Feb 16 2012

Miscarriage and Infertility Support Group

Ascension Church has begun a Miscarriage and Infertility Support Group.  While very well-intentioned, some statements that come from those who have not experienced a miscarriage or infertility can actually hurt when they are meant to help.  Sometimes it helps to know others who have gone through what you have gone through–individuals who can offer their own story as hope or lend a shoulder to cry on.

We want to offer an open forum where husbands and wives can talk to others who have gone through something similar to what they have experienced.  It is intended to be a time where couples can openly discuss their experiences in a safe and confidential setting.  Do you prefer to come and just listen?  That is great too.  Everyone deals with situations differently!   There is no requirement to speak.  We hope to offer a setting where hope and faith can help guide someone through this difficult time.

This group meets once a month, on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at Ascension.   Next meeting is March Information about resources such as books, websites and scripture verses will also be given out at the end of each session.


If you are struggling right now, remember you are not alone.  We hope to see you soon.  If you have any questions about this group, please contact Lisa Kopp at lisakopp1@gmail.com or Jean in the Ascension Office 681-3348